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Tucker Neal

Tucker Neal

Tucker Neal

Department / Unit
Upperclassman At-Large Senator

What is your vision for this position? What do you hope to accomplish?

My vision as an SGA senator is to represent the student body accurately and equitably. During a time period where diversity and equity programs are being stripped away from our education systems, it is up to students to prove that these programs still have large support and influence in our community. At UNC Charlotte, we have students from every walk of life that deserve respect and representation within organizations that hold power. This is the true nature of equity and my vision for our Student Government Association. If elected, I hope for another successful year of promotional events through the publicity and outreach committee. I hope to meet more students, make an impact on their day, and teach them about the roles of SGA. I hope to aid in the creation of more university-wide initiatives that benefit student wants and needs such as parking, dining services, housing, DEI, and security.

Please list the following and briefly explain:

  • student organization involvement

  • leadership roles

  • other relevant experiences that make you a strong candidate.

On campus at UNC Charlotte, I am a writer for the Arts & Culture section of the NinerTimes student newspaper. I am an active member of both the Psychology Student Coalition and the Earth Club. Since Fall 2023, I have been an upperclassmen at-large senator for the Student Government Association. Since joining SGA, I have became the vice chair of the Publicity and Outreach Committee of the organization. Through all of my involvements, I meet many students and hear their expressed concerns involving different campus and systematic issues. I hear these voices daily and strive to include every opinion and perspective in SGA conversations.