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"Whenever any Resolution or Bill shall have passed the Senate, the same shall, before it become effective,
be presented to the Student Body President. The Student Body President shall review the legislation and
shall either sign the legislation or return it to the Senate with their written objections attached. If they
should sign the legislation or if they should not act for 7 class days then the Resolution or Bill shall
become effective. If the President returns the legislation to the Senate and three-fifths of the Senators
present believe that the Resolution or Bill should be effective notwithstanding the President?s objections,
then the Resolution or Bill shall be effective, the same as if the President had signed it or not acted."

- Article II, Section 8 of the Constitution of the Student Body


All legislation creating or affecting a change in the Student Government Statutes or other body of law within the legislative powers of the Senate, or providing for the budgeting and appropriation of the Student Activity Fees entrusted to the Senate, shall be presented in the form of a Bill. The various forms of Bills shall be as follows:

  • Budget Bill: A Budget Bill either sets or modifies the budget of the Legislative Branch of the Student Government Association. Budget Bills shall be indicated as such on legislation by a "BB". Budget Bills shall be passed by a simple majority vote.
  • Finance Bill: A Finance Bill authorizes or instructs the expenditure of funds previously budgeted by the Senate or entrusted to the Senate. The various student organizations shall be funded by means of a Finance Bill, which shall not require a second reading. Finance Bills shall be indicated as such on legislation by a "FB". Finance Bills shall be passed by a simple majority vote.
  • Organization Bill: An Organization Bill allows for the approval of new student organizations on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. The Organizational Ways & Means Committee shall bring this bill forward to the Senate floor upon the new student organization completing the necessary steps with Student Organizations. An Organization Bill shall be indicated as such on legislation by a ?OB?, and shall not require a second reading.
  • Senate Bill: A Senate Bill amends the By-Laws of the Senate or other bodies of law under the discretionary authority of the Senate. Senate Bills shall be indicated as such on legislation by a "SB". Senate Bills shall be passed by a simple majority vote.


All legislation voicing the opinion of the Senate on any topic not within the constitutional jurisdiction of the Senate or exercising one or more privileges of the Senate shall be presented in the form of a Resolution. Resolutions shall be indicated as such on legislation by a "SR".


A Senate Measure is a type of legislation that either is a written main motion, inclusive of those main motions adopting, by authority of Robert?s Rules of Order Newly Revised, Special
Rules or by adopting, whatever other authority, other derogations from the Bylaws of the Student Senate or Robert?s Rules. A Senate Measure is also used to confirm appointments to
various offices and other positions filled by a Student Body Officer with the advice and consent of the Senate. Measures, unless otherwise provided for by appropriate parliamentary authority, shall be agreed to by the Senate by a vote of a majority of the Senators present and voting. Measures shall require one reading unless committed or recommitted to a Committee by a majority of the Senators present and voting.


All legislation pertaining to the disciplinary removal of a Senator or other legislative matters that do not conform to the definition of a Bill or Resolution shall be presented in the form of a Petition, and shall not require a second reading. Petitions shall be indicated as such on legislation by an "SP".