Email Addressmbrow369@charlotte.edu
Madison Brown
I am honored to serve as the Sophomore Class President of UNC Charlottes Student Government Association. It will be my focus to make sure that our voices are heard, our concerns brought forth, and our time at UNC Charlotte the best it possibly can be for all of us. During my term in SGA, I want to increase a sense of community and student advocacy and take initiatives toward further improvement in the students' lives. I'm seeking everything from engaging students more with university activities to working to make our voices truly heard by university leadership, and I am committed to real tangible change. Thus far, I have been pleased to help with student outreach, improve campus life initiatives, and help organize events that bring our class together. One of the most exciting events this semester is Niner Nation Night, which embodies school spirit and unification to show, indeed, what it is to be a 49er. It is events like these that remind us of the pride and energy that set our university apart from the rest. I encourage everyone to get involved, share your ideas, and make use of everything our campus has to offer.