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Divine Uzokwe

Divine Uzokwe

Divine Uzokwe

Department / Unit
Upperclassman At-Large Senator

What is your vision for this position? What do you hope to accomplish?

My vision is to advocate for career development opportunities and enhance academic support tailored to the unique needs of all students, particularly upperclassmen. I strive to create a campus environment where every student feels connected, empowered, and fully supported. Additionally, I am committed to improving communication between students and administration to ensure our voices are heard and our concerns are effectively addressed. As a transfer junior, I want to create a more inclusive and supportive environment where all students, especially transfer and underrepresented students, feel a strong sense of belonging.

Please list the following and briefly explain:

  • student organization involvement

  • leadership roles

  • other relevant experiences that make you a strong candidate.

Throughout my college experience, I have actively participated in various student-led organizations. I stood in as temporary President of ASFABA, an African student organization, where I led our initiatives and also drafted the organization's constitution. I also contributed to the Student Government Association, where I served on the Elections and Transitions Committee and helped coordinate four annual pageants. Additionally, I was a general member of NABA and interned at the Women’s Center, where I served as a hostess and presented at several university events.