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Betiel Berhe

Betiel Headshot

Betiel Berhe

Department / Unit
Upperclassman At-Large Senator

What is your vision for this position? What do you hope to accomplish?

My vision for this role is to target the needs of upperclassmen students. I feel like over the time I have spent as a underclassmen senator I have been able to gain feedback about what students are looking for through SGA. Also, running for this position allows for me to reside in my current role (Chair of publicity and outreach). Being able to stay in P&O I will be able to accomplish my goals for SGA. Such as having effective marketing, collaborations with student orgs, and maintaining a close relationship between the student body and SGA.

Please list the following and briefly explain:

  • student organization involvement

  • leadership roles

  • other relevant experiences that make you a strong candidate.

Here are some leadership roles I have committed too throughout my time at UNCC: President and Founder (Eritrean-Ethiopian Student Association) Treasurer (Black Organization Alliance Board) Treasurer (Black Student Union) Chair of Publicity and Outreach (Student Government Association) Underclassmen At-Large Senator (Student Government Association) Event Staff (Campus Activities Board) Souls Speak (Secretary and Social Media Chair)