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Autumn Hamby

Autumn Hamby

Autumn Hamby

Department / Unit
Upperclassman At-Large Senator

What is your vision for this position? What do you hope to accomplish?

For this position, I envision myself helping UNC Charlotte become better as a whole. I believe in equity and equality for everyone, and will strive to exemplify that for our student body. As current DEI programs are being taken away from our students, it is important for people in power to stand up for the students and these programs, because everyone at UNC Charlotte deserves fair and equal opportunities, and to feel welcome and included on our campus.

Please list the following and briefly explain:

  • student organization involvement

  • leadership roles

  • other relevant experiences that make you a strong candidate.

At my previous school, I was apart of the school's Business Technologies Club, where I was the club's Secretary. While being at UNC Charlotte, I was assistant Vice President of DEI for my sorority. Currently, I work for a staffing company where I am the CEO's assistant/college intern, where I am learning and help edit company inclusivity policies, learning accounting, and dealing with other procedural duties within the company. Through all of this, I believe I have learned the value of equality, equity, and inclusivity, while learning many different types of procedures that must be done in order to keep successful organization running.