- SAFC-FPA Revisions Act
- Senate Voting Margains Revision Act II
- Simplification of Elections Noncompliance Act
- Refining the Attendance Policy Act
- Enforcement of Elections Compliance Act
- Act of Registration 2
- Time Limitation and Meeting Expediency Act
- Spring Semester FPA Changes Act
- GB 53.2-1
- GB 53.2-2
- GB 53.2-3
- GB 53.2-4
- GB 53.2-5
- GB 53.2-6
- GB 53.2-7
- The Board of Elections Confirmation Act II
- Internal Affairs Secretary Confirmation Act II
- Campaign Regulations Reform Act
- Senate Leadership Comprehensive Remodeling Act
- Food and Beverage Line Item Act
- Apportionment Appendix A Update Act
- New Senate Officer Position (Historian) Act
- Committee Meeting Time Amendment Act
- By-Law Clarification Act
- Interfaith Meditation Space Act
- Voting Location Appreciation Resolution
- FPA Revisions Act
- Senate Attendance Clarification and Accountability Act
- Secretary for Internal Affairs Confirmation Act
- The RSA Confirmation Act II
- FPA Changes Act 2
- FPA Changes Act
- Secretary for IT Confirmation Act
- Standing Committee Membership Revision Act
- Senate Vacancy Procedures Revision Act
- The Board of Elections Confirmation Act
- The Treasurer Confirmation Act
- The Executive Cabinet Confirmation Act I
- The Executive Cabinet Confirmation Act II
- The RSA Confirmation Act
- NCSL Conduct Act
- Film Club Conduct Resolution
- Senate Voting Margin Revision Act
- FB 4.21.16
- FB 4.28.18
- FB 8.25.16
- FB 9.1.16
- FB 9.8.16
- FB 9.15.16
- FB 9.22.16
- FB 9.29.16
- FB 10.6.16
- FB 10.13.16
- FB 10.20.16
- FB 10.27.16
- FB 11.3.16
- FB 11.10.16
- FB 11.17.16
- FB 12.1.16
- FB 1.12.17
- FB 1.19.17
- FB 1.26.17
- FB 2.2.17
- FB 2.9.17
- FB 2.16.17
- FB 2.23.17
- FB 3.2.17
- FB 3.16.17
- FB 3.23.17
- FB 3.30.17
- FB 4.6.17
- FB 4.13.17
- New Student Orgs 4.21.16
- New Student Orgs 4.28.16
- New Student Orgs 8.25.16
- New Student Orgs 9.1.16
- New Student Orgs 9.8.16
- New Student Orgs 9.15.16
- New Student Orgs 9.29.16
- New Student Orgs 10.6.16
- New Student Orgs 10.20.16
- New Student Orgs 10.27.17
- New Student Orgs 11.3.16
- New Student Orgs 11.10.16
- New Student Orgs 11.17.16
- New Student Orgs 12.1.16
- New Student Orgs 1.12.17
- New Student Orgs 1.19.17
- New Student Orgs 1.26.17
- New Student Orgs 2.2.17
- New Student Orgs 2.9.17
- New Student Orgs 2.16.17
- New Student Orgs 2.23.17
- New Student Orgs 3.2.17
- New Student Orgs 3.23.17
- New Student Orgs 3.30.17
- New Student Orgs 4.13.17